Have you ever met someone and just knew instantly that you could be great friends?
Nine years ago in September my husband and I were married. We went on a cruise to Mexico and New Orleans. About half way through the cruise, we met a couple from England, Claire and Matthew. We all hung out for the rest of trip. We took Matthew to Hooters (He had never been) and Claire and I purchased Boa's while in New Orleans. We had a great time together. When the cruise was over, we came home to Indiana. Claire and Matthew returned to England. We wrote letters for several months. On Christmas Eve, I returned home to find a box of red carnations on my doorstep. They were from Claire.
Claire had a baby boy. I had a baby boy. We both got busy and quite writing.
Sometime last month another girlfriend called and said that someone from England was trying to find me. I checked out the site and the posting was actually from 2003. It didn't have an e-mail address but I remembered Claire's from way back then. I sent an e-mail and waited...........
About five days later, I got an e-mail from Claire. I was so excited. She is 13 weeks pregnant with her second child. She lost her father to lung cancer about 18 months ago and the baby is due on his birthday. She cried when she read my blog.
To think that we only spent about four days together (Yes I know it was my honeymoon) and have developed this friendship. I sure hope we don't ever lose contact again. Maybe one of these days I will be able to go to England to see her. Wouldn't that be wonderful!