Saturday, March 22, 2008

Where do I start?

Where do I start? I haven't posted in some length of time because I had been so busy with my job. I was starting to feel comfortable in my job and at least had a clue what I was doing. I had traveled to Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia and Atlanta was in the forecast.
Shortly before the trip to Atlanta, I was showering and found a lump on my left breast. I wasn't too concerned because I have had cysts in the past and drink LOTS of Dt. Mountain Dew. So I checked it occasionally and had my husband feel it just to make sure I wasn't imagining it. John said it felst like a muscle. I had to teach him that women don't have muscles in their breasts and he had to remind me that he is a plumber not nurse!
After I returned from Atlanta I called and had a mammogram and ultrasound completed. The technician stated it looked like a fibro adenoma. 90% of masses in the breast are this kind. They reassured me not to worry all weekend but said for me to come in on Monday and have it biopsied. I did this on Monday and went right back to work. I was slightly concerned but not really. On Tuesday I recieved a call on my office line from the radioligist asking for me to either call him or the breast advocate back. At this point I knew it was cancer. I called him back and left a message then he returned my call and told me that it was indeed cancer. His exact words were "We found a little invasive ductile carcinoma." I thought "Is this like being a little pregnant?" and the answer is yes. You have cancer and you are pregnant(No I am not pregnant). Neither one is little.

On Weds March 5 I had a total mastectomy. I was released from the hospital the next morning and felt pretty good. The doctor said that my lymph nodes looked good and he doesn't think the cancer has spread. I do have a 6mm spot on my liver that they aren't concerned about but I am.
We are doing a Pet scan on Friday to check for any metastisis. I met wth the oncologist this past Friday and he wants me to have chemotherapy. I had been under the impession that I was not going to need this but apparently I do. I will elaborate more on that later. Please keep me in your prayers that I handle the chemo with grace and that I am not too sick. I will update more maybe tomorrow but I need to rest right now.


Perri said...

Amy, you continue to be in my prayers and you know I will help you in any way possible -- as will so many of your friends.

Psalm 112:7-8 I will have no fear of bad news; my heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. My heart is secure, I will have no fear; in the end I will look in triumph on my foes.

Melissa said...

Always in my prayers.

Staci said...

Praying for you and you know if the Lord brings you to it, He will bring you through it!!

VaQueenBee said...

Amy, I'm a friend of Perri's and wanted you to know I'll be praying for you!

Everyday Life said...

Amy, You are in my prayers as well. I have had a few things going on medically so I haven't been to church but I always think about you and the other ladies from Living Hope that has snatched a piece of my heart and you are one of them for sure. Tina